Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well... It's just about that time.  I head to Washington D.C. tomorrow for staging.  Then we leave bright and early on Thursday morning for Ecuador!  I haven't even left and I'm already learning things about myself.  I was entirely unaware I am able to feel and fluctuate between so many emotions in such a short period of time.  For the past two weeks, I go from so excited, to scared, to anxious, to sad, back to excited, to confused and then it all starts over again.  Sometimes, I feel them all at once.  And this is barely the beginning.  I'm sure I am in for quite the emotional ride of some sort (notice that Scrubs reference Brendan?).  But whatever, I dig amusement park rides, so bring it.

Send me an email if you are interested in getting my mailing address.

The Peace Corps requests that we tell family and friends not to send packages during training.  However you can absolutely send snail mail (and I would love it) and small packaging envelopes that weigh less than 4.4lbs.  My email address is jlschreiber21@gmail.com.  I will not have my cell phone, so don't send messages/call there!  You can send texts to me for FREE to 1-917-737-3341.  I will receive them and respond when I have internet.  My skype username is julia.schreiber3, so add me because I want to see your face!